Legal framework

Legal framework

Keeping an eye on all requirements

The functioning of the gas market is of central importance to private households and to companies. Accordingly, the corresponding legal framework and regulations in this area are equally important. It goes without saying that EWE GASSPEICHER observes and implements the regulations that apply to storage operations. We also keep a constant eye on regulatory changes so that we can always work together with our customers to ensure legal certainty.

3rd EU Internal Energy Market Package

The legal framework conditions on the gas storage market are primarily determined by the directives and regulations of the European Union’s 3rd internal energy market package. With this package, which came into force in September 2009, the EU is pursuing the following goals:

  • Unbundling ownership of storage system operators
  • Ensuring the independence of storage system operators
  • High transparency regarding capacities
  • Improved third-party access to storage facilities
  • Clear guidelines on the powers of the regulatory authorities
  • Adoption of statutory rules on the formerly non-binding “Guidelines for Good TPA Practice for Storage System Operators” (GGPSSO)

For more information on the legal requirements click here:


We meet all the requirements of the EU REMIT regulation, the objective of which is to increase the transparency and stability of the European energy markets.

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Gasspeicher Jemgum


The REGENT regulation applies to the transport capacity tariffs in Germany, on which you can find information here.

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Gasspeicher Huntorf bei Nacht


We provide you with up-to-date information for our gas storage facilities, as provided by §8a and §11 Störfallverordnung, the German Hazardous Incident Ordinance.

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GSE Transparency

The GSE members make important information available to all market players and interested parties via the "Transparency Template".

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